Has a hit and run accident upended your life? Did you sustain injuries that cause you serious pain and make it hard for you to support and spend quality time with loved ones? Our hit and run accident lawyer serving Elkton can fight for the financial compensation that you need to start rebuilding your life.
By hiring our Elkton car accident lawyer, you make the legal process much easier on you during this difficult time. While you relax at home, Adam Fights for a fair outcome for your family. Call Adam M. Smallow, to get a free consultation today.
Let Adam Smallow Injury Lawyers fight for your recovery. Contact us today.
FREE CASE EVALUATIONOur Law Firm Is Always There for Our Elkton Hit and Run Clients
Our Elkton personal injury lawyer understands that you have been through a lot. We want you to know that you are not alone: at Adam Smallow Injury Lawyers, we do everything possible to make our clients feel safe, comfortable, and confident in their cases. For example:
Our Elkton Team Stays in Touch With Clients 24/7
Not only do we encourage clients to call or email with questions, we provide them each with their own unique phone number through which they can reach us at any time. Text this number to get in touch with us immediately—even on the weekend, on a holiday, or in the middle of the night.
We Help Our Elkton Clients Get Medical Help
Seeing a doctor after an accident is vital for two reasons: it prevents your injuries from getting worse, and it provides evidence that the hit and run crash caused those injuries. Our Elkton hit and run accident lawyer can recommend a knowledgeable and caring doctor to treat you.
Adam Fights for Fair Compensation
From Hurt to Help®, we take care of all the day-to-day tasks associated with your case. That includes gathering evidence, submitting and receiving paperwork, negotiating with the insurance companies for your rightful compensation, and even going to court.
No matter how long a case takes, Adam Smallow Injury Lawyers stays loyal to our clients, championing their right to appropriate damages. If the insurer or the liable party ever tries to contact you, direct them to us. Our accident attorneys can take care of everything.
Compensation for Elkton Hit and Run Survivors
Per Md. Cts. & Jud. Proc. Code § 5-101, you have a right to seek compensation after an accident. However, this right ends three years after the day when your injury occurred. That is why it is so important for you to act fast after a hit and run crash: if you do not, you might end up forfeiting the damages your family needs.
To find out how much your case may be worth, start by calling Adam Smallow Injury Lawyers. Once you hire us, we can tell you which of the following types of compensation you may qualify for:
Compensation for Hit and Run-Related Emotional and Physical Suffering
Your injuries cause pain in any number of ways. While no amount of money can take away that pain, the compensation you receive could ensure your family is taken care of in the years ahead. Examples of emotional and physical damages that you can be reimbursed for include:
- Pain and suffering, or the psychological and physical toll on your wellbeing
- Disability, or the ways in which your injuries prevent you, either in the short term or permanently, from moving or functioning the way you did before
- Impaired quality of life, or the fact that you can no longer take care of yourself or others or fully enjoy the time you spend with your friends and loved ones
Compensation for Hit and Run-Related Financial Suffering
You require every penny of your salary to make sure your family has the things they need and want. An accident can disrupt your financial life by causing damages like:
- Loss of income, or the regular salary that your injuries prevented you from earning and/or will prevent you from earning down the line
- Medical bills, or the cost of treating your injuries, including money you will likely need to spend in the future to treat chronic symptoms
- Property damage, or the loss of any valuable personal items (e.g., your car or your cell phone)
Get on the road to recovery with competent legal representation and high-quality medical professionals. Contact our Elkton hit and run accident lawyer today.
START YOUR CASEHit and Runs Accidents and Elkton Law
In Maryland, it is illegal to hit a person or another vehicle and then leave without fulfilling certain responsibilities. According to Md. Trans. Code § 20-104, those responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Ensuring any injured parties receive proper medical assistance
- Providing the person(s) they hit with their contact information
- Reporting the accident to the police if the person(s) they hit is/are unable to receive their contact information for any reason (e.g., they are unconscious)
Penalties for Hit and Run Drivers in Elkton
If someone is caught violating Maryland’s hit and run law, the at-fault driver may be subject to a fine and jail time. In addition, they leave themselves open to an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit from the people they injured and failed to help.
What if You Cannot Find the Hit and Run Accident Driver?
There are, unfortunately, some cases where it is not possible to track down the person who hit you. If this happens to you, it is understandable to feel frustrated and angry, but you still have options for recovering financial compensation.
For example, Adam M. Smallow can review your insurance policy and see if it covers accidents caused by uninsured or missing motorists. Also, we can investigate your case to see if there is a secondary liable party—for instance, the manufacturer of a faulty airbag—that you can ask to help cover your losses.
If you need legal representation, schedule your Road to Recovery Consultation.
START YOUR CASELet Our Elkton Hit and Run Attorney Fight for You
Your family should never have had to go through the pain and anxiety that this accident caused. Reach out to our legal team. Let our Elkton hit and run accident lawyer do all the tough legal work in your case so that you can seek compensation without putting yourself through any more unnecessary stress.
Call Adam Smallow Injury Lawyers for a free consultation now.
Take the first step towards justice. Contact Adam Smallow Injury Lawyers