Interstate 95 sees heavy traffic flow most of the day. As a result, motorists often find themselves caught in bumper-to-bumper traffic during rush hour. This heavy traffic, combined with other contributing factors such as distracted driving, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, reckless driving, or driving while fatigued, makes I-95 one of Pennsylvania’s most dangerous highways.
If you suffered an injury or lost a loved one in a car accident involving a negligent driver along the interstate, our Pennsylvania I-95 car accident lawyers at MD Accident Law can help you build a compensation case.
Let Adam Smallow Injury Lawyers fight for your recovery. Contact us today.
FREE CASE EVALUATIONDo I Have a Case Against the At-Fault Driver?
After a car accident on I-95, you may wonder what legal options you have available to recover financial compensation. Pennsylvania is a no-fault state, meaning you will file a claim with your insurance provider in most cases. However, you may need to file a third-party claim against the other driver in some cases.
The compensation you could receive will depend on several factors:
- The policy and coverage purchased (e.g., no-fault, limited tort, or full tort) affect what you can claim.
- The severity of your injuries. If your injuries meet a certain threshold, it is possible to file a third-party claim against the at-fault driver.
We know it can be stressful managing an injury claim on your own and how confusing auto insurance policies can be, especially while recovering from your injuries. So, if you are unsure about any of the details above or have questions, do not worry. Instead, we are here to help. Our legal team will talk you through your options during a free case review.
How Much Compensation Is Available to Me?
The compensation you could claim will depend on these factors:
- The auto insurance you purchased
- The circumstances of the accident
- The limits on your policy
- The severity of your injuries
Our accident attorneys can review the facts of your case and help you understand the different types of compensation available, which could include:
- Medical bills and rehabilitation costs
- Lost income
- Property damage
- Pain and suffering
- Reduced earning capacity
Let Your I-95 Car Accident Lawyer Handle Insurance Negotiations
You will likely have to deal with an insurance company to resolve your case. However, many insurers know that most customers are unfamiliar with the minute details of their coverage, nor do they have an accurate idea of their claim’s value. As a result, the adjuster might offer a settlement for far less than a claim is worth.
After a car accident, we believe that you should not have to worry about how you will cope financially or whether your insurance company has offered a fair settlement. Therefore, our attorneys can shoulder that responsibility for you by protecting your rights and negotiating for an appropriate compensation on your behalf.
Get on the road to recovery with competent legal representation and high-quality medical professionals. Contact our Pennsylvania i-95 car accident lawyer today.
START YOUR CASEWhat Are the Benefits of Hiring Our Car Accident Lawyers?
Car accident attorneys can help those injured by the negligence or wrongdoing of another driver in many ways. For example, we understand how difficult it is to have your life suddenly upturned by a traumatic event and how daunting it is to contemplate managing a legal case on top of recovering from your injuries.
Our legal team can intervene on your behalf and handle your case so you can concentrate on healing. With over 10 years of experience and a track record of maintaining high levels of client satisfaction, we help car accident victims in these ways.
Building Your I-95 Car Accident Case
The most important part of building a personal injury case is collecting evidence. This proof can come from many sources, such as:
- Photographs or videos collected at the accident scene
- CCTV footage
- Police reports
- Medical reports and bills
- Eyewitness statements
- Medical and financial professionals’ expert testimony
- Your written account of the accident
Our legal team will investigate the cause of the accident to collect evidence required for a claim with your insurance company or a third-party claim with an at-fault driver if they caused you serious bodily injuries.
Identifying and Calculating Your Auto Accident Losses
Financial losses fall into two groups:
- Losses sustained immediately after the accident
- Future losses resulting from your injuries
Some damages are easier to calculate than others. For example, we’ll calculate economic damages based on medical bills, repair receipts, and lost wages are reasonably straightforward.
However, noneconomic damages (only awarded in specific instances) are more challenging to quantify because they are not defined in strictly monetary terms and relate more to subjective harm such as pain and suffering, mental anguish, and physical impairment. Therefore, our attorneys will help you identify and gather the evidence to prove the full range of your damages so your compensation claim can include them.
Negotiating for an Appropriate Settlement
The aftermath of a car accident can leave injured parties feeling vulnerable. As a result, an insurance company may take advantage of this weakness and contact you early to settle the claim. While it may seem tempting to accept the offer and avoid further stress or delay, it may not always be in your best interests.
It may take time for the full extent of your injuries to become apparent, so you are under no obligation to accept their offer. Instead, you can complain if you feel unfairly treated or pressured into accepting. An insurance company’s first offer is rarely its best. In most cases, it serves as a starting point for further negotiations.
Our experience in negotiating personal injury settlements gives us insight into assessing the situation to help you decide whether to accept an offer.
If you need legal representation, schedule your Road to Recovery Consultation.
START YOUR CASEWe Will Support You Every Step of the Way in Your I-95 Car Accident Claim
At the Adam Smallow Injury Lawyers, our attorneys understand how an injury crash can change your life physically, emotionally, and financially. Recovering from the accident is stressful enough without adding the worry of managing a complex legal claim.
Our legal team can handle every aspect of your case. In addition, you pay nothing unless we recover compensation on your behalf. So, if you sustained injuries in a car accident along I-95 in Pennsylvania, contact our team today for a free consultation to discuss your legal options.
Take the first step towards justice. Contact Adam Smallow Injury Lawyers